General information

HORES Web api interface acts as HTTP server. Communication is done via HTTPS protocol. Unencrypted connection is available only for testing purposes. SSL is used only to encrypt communication, no client authentication based on SSL certificates is currently available.

Data are transfered in JSON format (you must use „Content-Type: application/json“ header for POST requests!).

Only methods corresponding to actions allowed by user-rights of user, who’s credentials are used to access API, are allowed.

Authentication is done via HTTP Authorization header. Depending on configuration, two methods of authentication are available:

HTTP Basic authentication (RFC 2617)

Used for testing and legacy purpose. Login and password are checked against HORES users database. User must have „API access“ enabled to use this login method.


Do not use Basic authentication for production implementation.

Permanent token

Can be defined for each user in HORES and allows for non-interactive authentication of API operations in the name of that user. Use „Authorization“ header with „Token“ keyword such as:

GET /api/rooms HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token 65sad4f64df6sd6f4sdffassdfa

Data format

Request format

No common data-structure

Response format

Returned data have common JSON structure:

  "result": 0,
  "error": null,
  "warning": null,
  "data": null
  • result: result code, 0 for success, non-zero for errors

  • error: optional error message (only when result != 0)

  • warning: optional warning message

  • data: returned data. May be empty or not present when no results found or when calling method without return value

Sample success response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "result": 0,
        "id": 120,
        "code": "118",
        "room_type_id": 2,
        "description": "DBL",
        "floor": 0,
        "beds": 2,
        "room_service_code": null,
        "phone_number": 118,
        "attr_1": null,
        "attr_2": null,
        "floor_code": "1",
        "building": null,
        "clean": false,
        "inspection": true,
        "used": true,
        "ord": 26

Sample error response:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "result": 1,
  "error": "Guest account not found!",
  "data": null

API description

GET /api/hores_info

Version and build info about running instance

GET /api/rooms

List of existing rooms

Example response:

    "id": 120,
    "code": "118",
    "room_type_id": 2,
    "description": "DBL",
    "floor": 0,
    "beds": 2,
    "room_service_code": null,
    "phone_number": 118,
    "attr_1": null,
    "attr_2": null,
    "floor_code": "1",
    "building": null,
    "clean": false,
    "inspection": true,
    "used": true,
    "ord": 26
Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Unique identifier

  • code (string) – Code

  • room_type_id (int) – Type

  • description (string) – Description

  • floor (int) – Floor

  • beds (int) – Number of beds

  • room_service_code (string) – Maid’s code

  • phone_number (string) – Phone number

  • attr_1 (string) – Attribute 1

  • attr_2 (string) – Attribute 2

  • floor_code (string) – Floor code

  • building (string) – Building code

  • clean (boolean) – Cleaned

  • inspection (boolean) – Inspection required

  • used (boolean) – Used

  • ord (int) – Display order number

GET /api/roomTypes

List of existing room types

Example response:

    "id": 10,
    "code": "DBL",
    "description": "Double",
    "beds": 2,
    "rooms_cnt": 20,
    "rooms_total": 30,
    "pricelist_code": "DB",
    "technical": false,
    "multi": false,
    "ord": 1,
    "translation": {
      "cs": null,
      "de": null,
      "en": null
Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Unique identifier

  • code (string) – Code

  • description (string) – Room type description

  • beds (int) – Standard number of beds for room type

  • rooms_cnt (int) – Internal use

  • rooms_total (int) – Internal use

  • pricelist_code (string) – Internal use

  • technical (boolean) – True for technical rooms

  • multi (boolean) – Internal use

  • ord (int) – Display order number

  • translation (dict) – Dictionary of available translations, may be empty or null

GET /api/rasters

List of existing rasters

Example response:

    "id": 2,
    "code": "AR",
    "name": "Aranzma",
    "type": 3,
    "accounting_group": 5,
    "cash_register_code": 0,
    "variant": 1,
    "vat": "0.0",
    "promote_to_cash": false,
    "print_description": false,
    "translation": {
      "cs": null,
      "de": null,
      "en": null
    "ord": 2,
    "allow_discount": true,
    "exclude_from_income": false
Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Unique identifier

  • code (string) – Raster code

  • name (string) – Raster name

  • type (int) – Raster type: 1 = Accommodation, 2 = F&B, 3 = Other

  • variant (int) – Raster variant: 1 = revenue, 2 = prepayment, 3 = other. A variant is valid only for type = 3, rasters with type = 1 or 2 have no variants (variant = 0)

  • accounting_group (int) – Accounting group

  • cash_register_code (int) – Used for statistical/internal purpose

  • variant – Raster variant: 1 = revenue, 2 = prepayment, 3 = other. A variant is valid only for type = 3, rasters with type = 1 or 2 have no variants (variant = 0)

  • vat (numeric) – VAT value in percent (e.g., 21.0)

  • promote_to_cash (boolean) – Project into cash

  • print_description (boolean) – If true, description can be printed on receipt

  • ord (int) – Use defined order

  • allow_discount (boolean) – If true, discount can be used with this raster

  • exclude_from_income (boolean) – If true, cass office items with this raster should not be included in certain reports

  • translation (dict) – Dictionary of available translations, may be empty or null

GET /api/fandb_codes

List of existing fandb codes

Example response:

    "id": 7,
    "code": "LUN2",
    "name": "Small Buffet Lunch",
    "meal_category": "breakfast",
    "price": "12.00",
    "currency_id": 1,
    "raster_id": 3,
    "meal_type": "food",
    "ord": null,
    "translation": null
Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Unique identifier

  • code (string) – FandB code

  • name (string) – FandB name

  • meal_category (string) – ‚breakfast‘, ‚dinner‘, ‚supper‘, ‚half_board‘, ‚full_board‘, ‚all_inclusive‘, ‚other‘

  • price (numeric) – Predefined unit price

  • currency_id (int) – Price currency

  • raster_id (int) – Price raster

  • meal_type (string) – ‚food‘, ‚beverage‘

  • ord (int) – Use defined order

  • translation (dict) – Dictionary of available translations, may be empty or null

GET /api/fandb

List of fandb codes usage for specified period

Query Parameters:
  • date_from (date) – Filter data from date

  • date_to (date) – Filter data to date

Example response:

    "fb_code": "SN",
    "fb_name": "Snídaně",
    "quantity": 1,
    "price": "50.00",
    "note": null,
    "currency_code": "EUR",
    "center_name": null,
    "isgroup": false,
    "title": "FBTEST",
    "checkin_date": "2023-06-20",
    "checkout_date": "2023-06-23",
    "rooms": "116",
    "source_id": 4
Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Unique identifier

  • fb_code (string) – FandB code

  • fb_name (string) – FandB name

  • quantity (int) – Meal count

  • price (numeric) – Unit price

  • note (string) – Note for given serving

  • currency_code (string) – Currency code

  • center_name (string) – Center name

  • isgroup (boolean) – True if fandb is part of group reservation

  • title (string) – guest or reservation name

  • checkin_date" (date) – guest checkin date

  • checkout_date (date) – guest checkout date

  • rooms (string) – Room numbers

  • source_id" (string) – Reservation source ID

GET /api/pricelists

List of existing pricelists

Example response:

  "id": 6,
  "code": "AVP",
  "name": "Availpro",
  "description": "w ddrf",
  "price_calculation": 2,
  "accomodation_currency_id": 2,
  "accomodation_raster_id": 56,
  "breakfast_raster_id": 51,
  "breakfast_currency_id": 2,
  "breakfast_price": "50.00",
  "breakfast_in_accomodation": true,
  "breakfast_bill_separately": false,
  "city_fee_raster_id": 25,
  "city_fee_currency_id": 2,
  "city_fee": "0.50",
  "city_fee_in_accomodation": false,
  "city_fee_bill_separately": false,
  "ignore_zero_price": false,
  "ord": null,
  "raster_1_id": 3,
  "raster_1_price": "266.00",
  "raster_1_in_accomodation": false,
  "raster_2_id": null,
  "raster_2_price": "0.00",
  "raster_2_in_accomodation": false,
  "raster_3_id": null,
  "raster_3_price": "0.00",
  "raster_3_in_accomodation": false,
  "raster_4_id": null,
  "raster_4_price": "0.00",
  "raster_4_in_accomodation": false,
  "raster_5_id": null,
  "raster_5_price": "0.00",
  "raster_5_in_accomodation": false,
  "city_fee_force_guest_account": true,
  "deleted": false
GET /api/reservation_sources

List of existing reservation_sources

Example response:

    "id": 2,
    "code": "W",
    "name": "WEB",
Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Unique identifier

  • code (string) – Source code

  • name (string) – Source name

GET /api/packages

List of existing packages. Packages can be used instead of simple prices for each date of stay. Package contains one or more raster items each with given price. When printing guest account, only package name/code is shown to guest, but internally items are stored and processed for reports/accounting exports by rasters inside package.

Optionally package may contain date-specific raster items (date_specific = true). Such items are charged to guest-account only when charge-date corresponds to rasters date_from/date_to dates. In this case, package has varying price depending on date when charged.

Example response:

    "id": 2,
    "code": "FL",
    "name": "Flowers",
    "description": "Fresh flowers in room before arrival",
    "currency_id": 3,
    "single_value": false,
    "include_accomodation": false,
    "translation": {
      "cs": null,
      "de": null,
      "en": null
    "ord": 2,
    "date_specific": true,
    "rasters": [
        "id": 9,
        "packages_id": 2,
        "rasters_id": 43,
        "price": "20.00",
        "date_from": "2017-10-20",
        "date_to": "2017-11-20"
Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Unique identifier

  • code (string) – Package code

  • name (string) – Package name

  • description (string) – Package description

  • currency_id (int) – Package currency

  • single_value (boolean) – When true, package is charge to guest-account as single item, all raster items are kept internal. When false, package is broken to raster items when charge to guest account.

  • include_accomodation (boolean) – When true, accomodation price from pricelist is embedded to package when package is charged to guest-account

  • date_specific (boolean) – True value indicates that some raster items may have date-specific validity

  • ord (int) – Use defined order

  • translation (dict) – Dictionary of available translations, may be empty or null


Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Unique identifier of given package-raster item

  • packages_id (int) – Parent package id

  • rasters_id (int) – ID of corresponding raster, see GET /api/rasters

  • price (decimal) – Item price

  • date_from (date) – Item is valid/usable only from this date

  • date_to (date) – Item is valid/usable only until this date

GET /api/payment_methods

List of available payment methods

Example response:

    "id": 2,
    "code": "C",
    "name": "Cred.card",
    "type": 2,
    "translation": null,
    "rounding": false
Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Unique identifier

  • code (string) – Payment method code

  • name (string) – Payment method name

  • type (int) – Type: 1 = cash, 2 = payment/credit card, 3 = foreign currency, 4 = other, 5 = invoice

  • rounding (boolean) – If true, total receipt payment in cash should be rounded according currency settings

  • translation (dict) – Dictionary of available translations, may be empty or null

GET /api/payment_card_types

List of available payment card types

Example response:

    "id": 4,
    "code": "MA",
    "name": "Maestro",
    "text": null,
    "limit": 999999,
    "bonus": "0.00",
    "type_id": 12,
    "ord": 4
Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Unique identifier

  • code (string) – Card type code

  • name (string) – Card type name

  • text (string) – Text

  • limit (int) –

  • bonus (numeric) – Commissions (%)

  • type_id (int) – Internat type representation

  • ord (int) – User defined order

GET /api/currencies

List of available currencies

Example response:

    "id": 5,
    "code": "USD",
    "name": "USD",
    "valuta": "23.000",
    "deviza": "0.000",
    "units": 1,
    "note": null,
    "round": 0,
    "pricing_round": 0,
    "symbol": "$",
    "ord": null,
    "code_iso": "USD"
Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Unique identifier

  • code (string) – Currency code (used for internal identification)

  • name (string) – Name of currency

  • valuta (numeric) – Foreign currency rate

  • deviza (numeric) – Foreign exchange rate

  • units (int) – Number of units to calculate the rate

  • note (string) – Note

  • round (int) – Rounding to x decimal places

  • pricing_round (int) –

  • symbol (string) – Symbol or code printed when price is displayed or printed

  • ord (int) – Used defined order

  • code_iso (string) – ISO code of given currency (used for interoperability purposes)

GET /api/current_accounts

A list of accounts of groups and guests that are accommodated. Technical rooms are ignored.

Query Parameters:
  • room_code (string) – Optional, when present, only room-account and group-accounts relevant for given room_code are returned

  • include_disabled (string) – Optional, default False. If True, accounts with user disabled external charging flag will be included.

Example response:

  "groups": [
      "account_id": 6371,
      "id": 5017,
      "name": "Group",
      "checkout_date": "2015-01-31",
      "checkin_date": "2015-01-28"
  "rooms": [
      "account_id": 5953,
      "id": 5852,
      "checkout_date": "2014-11-22",
      "code": "401",
      "checkin_date": "2014-10-15",
      "last_name": "Brown",
      "first_nae": "Bill",
      "gdpr_consent": true,
      "accommodation_prepayed": false


Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Unique identifier for given checked-in group

  • account_id (int) – Account number

  • name (string) – Name of group

  • checkin_date (date) – Check-in date

  • checkout_date (date) – Check-out date


Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Unique identifier for given checked-in room

  • account_id (int) – Account number

  • last_name (string) – Surname of main guest

  • first_name (string) – Name of main guest

  • checkin_date (date) – Check-in date

  • checkout_date (date) – Check-out date

  • code (string) – Room code (number)

  • gdpr_consent (boolean) – Consent with personal info processing

  • accommodation_prepayed (boolean) – True when accommodation is already payed in advance

GET /api/account_for_guest/

Designed for systems that keep data in their database and need to check while charging if the guest has moved.

Query Parameters:

Example response:

  "current_account_id": 11122
Response JSON Object:
  • current_account_id (int) – Guest account number

GET /api/current_guests

List of individual guests

Query Parameters:
  • room_id (int) – Room ID (value „id“ returned in GET /api/current_accounts)

  • ci_date_from (date) – Check-in date from

  • ci_date_to (date) – Check-out date until

  • include_departured (boolean) – Include already departured guests (default false)

  • modified_since (datetime) – Return only records modified after given date, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

Example response:

    "id": 11570,
    "first_name": "Gerald",
    "last_name": "Fryson",
    "guest_card_id": 10512,
    "res_guest_id": 5738,
    "res_id": 4619,
    "checkin_date": "2017-10-21",
    "checkout_date": "2017-10-23",
    "a_hn": null,
    "a_street": null,
    "a_town": null,
    "a_zip": null,
    "citizenship": "USA",
    "birth_date": "1965-01-13",
    "sex": null,
    "room": "501",
    "room_note": "2xDBL",
    "gc_note": null,
    "gcs_note": null,
    "guest_code": "O",
    "email": null,
    "departured": false,
    "order_email": null,
    "order_phone_number": null,
    "phone_number": null,
    "order_phone_number_int": null,
    "phone_number_int": null,
    "current_room_id": 6216,
    "gdpr_consent": true,
    "room_type_code": "DBL",
    "room_type_description": "Double",
    "group_name": "Fryson",
    "pricelist_code": "BAR",
    "source_code": "BOOK"
Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Unique identifier

  • first_name (string) – Guest’s name

  • last_name (string) – Guest’s surname

  • guest_card_id (int) – Guest card ID (identical for repeated stays)

  • res_guest_id (int) – Reservation ID of a particular guest (allows to pair a specific reserved room-name with a particular guest)

  • res_id (int) – Reservation number

  • checkin_date (date) – Check-in date

  • checkout_date (date) – Check-out date

  • a_hn (string) – House number

  • a_street (string) – Street

  • a_town (string) – City

  • a_zip (string) – Zip code

  • citizenship (string) – Citizenship

  • birth_date (date) – Date of birth

  • sex (string) – Sex („M“ - male, „F“ - female, „C“ - child)

  • room (string) – Room number

  • room_note (string) – Note (applies to the whole room)

  • gc_note (string) – Note (refers to a particular guest in general - stored in the guest card, independent of the particular stay)

  • gcs_note (string) – Short note (refers to a particular guest in general - stored in the guest card, independent of the particular stay)

  • email (string) – Guest e-mail address

  • departured (boolean) – True if guest is checked-out

  • guest_code (string) – Guest category (business trip, holiday, etc hotel specified)

  • order_email (string) – Contact email filled in order-info on reservation level – same for whole reservation)

  • order_phone_number (string) – Contact phone number filled in order-info on reservation level – same for whole reservation)

  • phone_number (string) – Contact phone number for given guest-card

  • order_phone_number_int (string) – Number in international format if valid, else null

  • phone_number – Number in international format if valid, else null

  • current_room_id (int) – Guests staying on same room together have same current_room_id

  • gdpr_consent (boolean) – Consent with personal info processing

  • room_type_code (string) – Room type code

  • room_type_description (string) – Room type description (usually name)

  • group_name (string) – Group name if guest is part of some group

  • pricelist_code (string) – Code of selected pricelist

  • source_code (string) – Code of reservation source

GET /api/reservation_guests

List of guests in reservations

Query Parameters:
  • ci_date_from (date) – Check-in date from

  • ci_date_to (date) – Check-in date until

  • include_canceled (boolean) – If true, results will include canceled reservation (default false)

  • include_checked_in (boolean) – If true, results will include already checked-in guests (default false)

  • modified_since (datetime) – Return only records modified after given date, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

  • technical (boolean) – If set, return only reservations for technical/non-technical rooms

  • confirmed (boolean) – If set, return only confirmed/unconfirmed reservations

Example response:

    "id": 9035,
    "first_name": null,
    "last_name": "Abc",
    "guest_card_id": 831223,
    "res_id": 6961,
    "checkin_date": "2017-03-22",
    "checkout_date": "2017-03-25",
    "a_hn": null,
    "a_street": null,
    "a_town": null,
    "a_zip": null,
    "a_country": null,
    "citizenship": null,
    "birth_date": null,
    "sex": null,
    "room": "102",
    "rg_note": null,
    "res_note": null,
    "gc_note": null,
    "gcs_note": null,
    "guest_code": "O",
    "email": null,
    "checked_in": false,
    "guest_count": 2,
    "res_no_show": false,
    "canceled": false,
    "departured": null,
    "order_email": null,
    "order_phone_number": null,
    "phone_number": null,
    "order_phone_number_int": null,
    "phone_number_int": null,
    "gdpr_consent": true,
    "room_type_code": "DBL",
    "room_type_description": "Double",
    "group_name": "Abc",
    "pricelist_code": "BAR",
    "source_code": "BOOK",
    "header_note": "some text",
    "reservation_id": 8556,
    "r_country_code": "CZE"
Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Reservation ID of a particular guest (allows to pair a specific reserved room-name with a particular guest, see the res_guest_id column for accommodated guests)

  • first_name (string) – Guest’s name

  • last_name (string) – Guest’s surname

  • guest_card_id (int) – Guest card ID (identical for repeated stays)

  • res_id (int) – Reservation number

  • checkin_date (date) – Check-in date

  • checkout_date (date) – Check-out date

  • a_hn (string) – House number

  • a_street (string) – Street

  • a_town (string) – City

  • a_zip (string) – Zip code

  • a_country (string) – Address country

  • citizenship (string) – Citizenship

  • birth_date (date) – Date of birth

  • sex (string) – Sex („M“ - male, „F“ - female, „C“ - child)

  • room (string) – Room number

  • rg_note (string) – Note (refers to a particular guest in given reservation – is relevant for given reservation only)

  • res_note (string) – Note (applies to the whole reservation)

  • gc_note (string) – Note (refers to a particular guest in general - stored in the guest card, independent of the particular stay)

  • gcs_note (string) – Short note (refers to a particular guest in general - stored in the guest card, independent of the particular stay)

  • guest_code (string) – Guest category (business trip, holiday, etc hotel specified)

  • email (string) – Guest e-mail address

  • checked_in (boolean) – True if guest is/was checked_in

  • guest_count (int) – Number of guests in reservation segment

  • res_no_show (boolean) – When true, reservation was canceled as no-show. That means, at least one room did not arrived.

  • canceled (boolean) – True when reservation-row was canceled

  • departured (boolean) – True when there is link to departured checked-in guest (see GET /api/current_guests)

  • order_email (string) – Contact email filled in order-info on reservation level – same for whole reservation)

  • order_phone_number (string) – Contact phone number filled in order-info on reservation level – same for whole reservation)

  • phone_number (string) – Contact phone number for given guest-card

  • order_phone_number_int (string) – Number in international format if valid, else null

  • phone_number – Number in international format if valid, else null

  • gdpr_consent (boolean) – Consent with personal info processing

  • room_type_code (string) – Room type code

  • room_type_description (string) – Room type description (usually name)

  • group_name (string) – Reservation name

  • pricelist_code (string) – Code of selected pricelist

  • source_code (string) – Code of reservation source

  • header_note (string) – Special reservation note

  • reservation_id (int) – Reservation row ID

  • r_country_code (string) – Reservation country code

GET /api/check_card

If the hotel uses HORES lock cards, a specific room can be identified by reading the card. The lock card identifier is an integer type written in the first usable trace or the first usable field on the card or by card serial number. This function is not supported on all connected lock systems/card readers!

Query Parameters:
  • check_id (int) – Card ID from the card (written by PMS or other system)

  • serial_number (string) – Card serial number (identificator of given physical card, non-editable)

Verification was successful:

Example response:

  "result": 0,
  "room_id": 4232,
  "account_id": 5996,
  "room_code": "322"

Verification failed:

Example response:

  "message":"Card validity expired"
Response JSON Object:
  • result (int) – 0 - Verification was OK. In this case, room_id and room_code are present and filled in. If the result is nonzero, the message contains more information and room_id and room_code are missing. 1 - Card ID is not in the database 2 - Date and time of the card validity expired 3 - Card expired or card has been cancelled (there is a newer valid card for the selected room) 4 - The lock system module is not installed, the card cannot be verified 5 - Room is not accommodated

  • room_id (int) – Room ID which can be used to get a list of guests in the room using GET /api/current_guests

  • account_id (int) – Account number for the selected room

  • room_code (string) – Room code

  • message (string) – Report in case of error

GET /api/lock_cards_numbers

List of valid card serial numbers for currently occupied rooms. This method can by used to offline match cards to HORES rooms/guests by external system.

!!! Warning, sending out lock-system cards serial numbers may be sensitive and pottentiall security risk, depending on lock-system in hotel and it’s configuration. This method must be enabled by special runtime parameter –webapi-enable-lock-card-numbers and should be used only after consultation with given lock-system provider.

Example response:

  "result": 0,
  "data": [
      "current_account_id": 6845,
      "room_id": 301,
      "room_code": "ONE",
      "serial_number": "12345687",
      "valid_from": "2021-05-28 14:00:00",
      "valid_to": "2021-07-16 12:00:00"
      "current_account_id": 6845,
      "room_id": 301,
      "room_code": "ONE",
      "serial_number": "9898965456",
      "valid_from": "2021-05-28 14:00:00",
      "valid_to": "2021-07-16 12:00:00"
POST /api/charge_account

Charging the sent items to a guest/group account

Example request:

  "account_id": 5696,
  "guest_id": 5899,
  "items": [
      "price": "200.00",
      "raster_id": 5,
      "currency_id": 2,
      "description": "Soup",
      "receipt_number": "R01225214",
      "unit_price": "100.00",
      "units": 2,
      "vat": "11.0",
      "item_identification_code": "XYZ5566"
Request JSON Object:
  • account_id (int) – Account number that the items should be charged to (returned by GET /api/check_card or GET /api/current_accounts)

  • guest_id (int) – Optional, returned by GET /api/current_guests. If specified, the items will be charged to a particular guest.

  • price (numeric) – Total amount

  • raster_id (int) – Raster ID (returned by GET /api/rasters)

  • currency_id (int) – Currency ID (returned by GET /api/currencies)

  • description (string) – Item description (may be blank)

  • receipt_number (string) – Receipt number (may be blank)

  • unit_price (numeric) – Unit price - required only if units are filled in. If used, the multiple of unit price and number of units must match the total price.

  • units (int) – Number of units - required only with unit_price, see unit_price

  • vat (numeric) – VAT in %

  • item_identification_code (string) – Product ID code (for example, for warehousing)

  • inventory (int) – 0 – no inventory movement, 1 – item should be removed from inventory, -1 – cancel, item should be returned to inventory

Example response:

Only standard result structure with no/empty data is returned, result 0 when success:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "result": 0,
POST /api/transfer_cash

Transferring revenues to HORES. After transferring, HORES can display, check, and convert the entered items into the cash register items („Modules“ -> „Cash register system“ -> „Revenue transfers“). In one request, it is possible to enter revenues from multiple cash registers, data is passed in the form of a field of records of the structure below.

Example request:

    "cash_register_code": "Cash register 1",
    "tax_date": "2024-03-12",
    "items": [
        "price": "200.00",
        "raster_id": 5,
        "currency_id": 2,
        "payment_method_id": 2,
        "note": "Wine",
        "vat_price": "42.00",
        "vat": "20.0",
        "tax_date": "2024-01-02",
        "default_currency_price": "200.00",
        "exchange_rate": "1.00",
        "receipt_number": "R0122512014",
        "credit_card_type_id": 3,
        "credit_card_number": "1564xxxx5899"
Request JSON Object:
  • cash_register_code (string) – The cash register code/name may contain any string. It is entered in the item notes and serves to identify the batch when processed in HORES.

  • tax_date (numeric) – Date of taxable supply in YYYY-MM-DD format

  • items (list) –

  • price (numeric) – Total amount

  • raster_id (int) – Raster ID (returned by GET /api/rasters)

  • payment_method_id (int) – Payment method ID (returned by GET /api/payment_methods)

  • currency_id (int) – Currency ID (returned by GET /api/currencies)

  • note (string) – Item description (may be blank)

  • vat_price (numeric) – Calculated VAT amount

  • vat (numeric) – VAT in percentage (if not set, will be automatically filled based on raster_id)

  • tax_date – Date of taxable supply

  • default_currency_price (numeric) – Amount in default (local) currency

  • exchange_rate (numeric) – Exchange rate (not required, if not specified, calculated from price and default_currency_price)

  • receipt_number (string) – Optional, document (receipt) number

  • credit_card_type (int) – Required for credit card payment, credit card type ID (returned by GET /api/payment_card_types)

  • credit_card_number (string) – Optional, credit card number (in any format, may be crossed or otherwise treated)

Example response:

Only standard result structure with no/empty data is returned, result 0 when success:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "result": 0,
GET /api/raster_movements

Overview of raster movements in accounts and in cash register items. Parameters aid or cid determine the last processed ID - the query returns the values from the respective tables, where id > aid for accounts, or id > cid for cash register items. Currently, you cannot select the change date, the linked system must remember the last processed item’s id.

Only records that have passed through the final accounts are returned.

The server response is a two-dimensional field of values (because of the amount of data being used, the dictionary is not used as in the previous cases, as the number of items can really be high)

Query Parameters:
  • aid (int) – Last account item id

  • cid (int) – Last cass office item id

Example response:

  ["a", 40001, 25, "50.0000000", 1, "2015-06-02T00:07:26.647987+02:00", null, "50.0000000", 1, 0, "2331123", 0, 1, "50.0000000", 332],
  ["a", 40002, 25, "50.0000000", 1, "2015-06-02T00:07:26.647987+02:00", null, "50.0000000", 1, 0, "2331123", 0, 1, "50.0000000", 332],
  ["a", 40003, 51, "400.0000000", 1, "2015-06-02T00:07:26.647987+02:00", null, "200.0000000", 2, 0, "2331123", 0, 1, "50.0000000", 332],
  ["a", 40005, 66, "-18.1620051", 2, "2015-06-02T00:07:26.647987+02:00", null, "-18.1620051", 1, 0, "2331123", 0, -1, "50.0000000", 332]






Item type - „a“ = account item, „c“ = cash register item



Item ID



Raster ID



Total price



Change ID



The date of the item creation (for cancelled and modified items it may be misleading as it is sometimes copied from the source item. The solution is planned, but not ready yet)



Document for account items, note for cash register items



Unit price






The parent’s item ID for editing (cancellation, change, division …)



Item identification - stock code. For complementary sales products, the stock code is set in the complementary sale.



Payment method ID for cash register items („c“)



Stock status coefficient (1 - addition, -1 - decrease (cancellation))



Total amount converted to the default currency. For paid items, the amount is at the payment rate, for the unpaid it is at the current rate at the time of the query.



Final accounts ID

GET /api/product_categories

List of available product categories

Example response:

    "id": 3,
    "title": "Minibar"
    "id": 5,
    "title": "Tickets"
Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Unique identifier

  • title (string) – Category title

POST /api/product_categories

Creating/updating categories in complementary sales (the request body contains a list of categories defined by the structure described below).

Example request:

    "id": 3,
    "title": "Minibar"
    "id": 5,
    "title": "Tickets"
Request JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Unique identifier (when empty, new category will be created)

  • title (string) – Category title

Example response:

Only standard result structure with no/empty data is returned, result 0 when success:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "result": 0,
POST /api/products

Creating/updating products in complementary sales (the request body contains a list of products defined by the structure described below).

Example request:

    "id": 1,
    "title": "Wine",
    "unit": "ks",
    "raster_id": 8,
    "purchase_price": "11.79",
    "selling_price": "200.00",
    "product_code": "",
    "category_id": 1,
    "stock": 3,
    "service": false,
    "selling_price1": "2.00",
    "selling_price2": null,
    "catalogue_number": "abc"
Request JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Unique identifier

  • title (string) – Name of product

  • unit (string) – Name of quantity unit (e.g. pcs.)

  • raster_id (int) – Corresponding raster ID

  • purchase_price (numeric) – Purchase price

  • selling_price (numeric) – Selling price

  • product_code (string) – Product code

  • category_id (int) – Complementary sales category ID

  • stock (int) – Items in stock

  • service (boolean) – True when it comes to a service (ignoring the stock quantity)

  • selling_price1 (numeric) – Selling price in second currency

  • selling_price2 (numeric) – Selling price in third currency

  • catalogue_number (string) – Catalogue number

Example response:

Only standard result structure with no/empty data is returned, result 0 when success:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "result": 0,
GET /api/account_items

Unpayed account items on given account

Query Parameters:
  • current_account_id (int) – Mandatory, id (number) of account to query

  • lang (string) – Language code - optional, if it is entered and there are translations available in the system, the item names will be sent in the selected language (e.g. „en“, „cs“, „sk“ …). If not specified, the default language will be used.

Example response:

    "id": 2566,
    "code": "AC",
    "name": "Accomodation",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "price": "250.00",
    "amount": 1,
    "checkin_date": "2016-08-05",
    "description": null
Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Unique identifier

  • code (string) – Raster or package code

  • name (string) – Raster or package name

  • currency (string) – Currency code

  • price (numeric) – Total amount

  • amount (int) – Quantity

  • date (date) – Item date

  • description (string) – Description if available

POST /api/room_state

Set room state

Example request:

  "room_code": "201",
  "room_clean": true
Request JSON Object:
  • room_code (string) – Room code

  • room_clean (boolean) – State specifying if cleaned (true/1 = cleaned, false/0 = not cleaned)

  • room_state (string) – Special room state, current valid values are: clean, in_progress, unclean

Example response:

Only standard result structure with no/empty data is returned, result 0 when success:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "result": 0,
GET /api/traces_targets

List of existing traces targets

Example response:

    "id": 3,
    "code": "S",
    "name": "Service"
Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Unique identifier

  • code (string) – Target code

  • name (string) – Target name

GET /api/traces

List of existing traces

Query Parameters:
  • current_room_id (int) – ID of checked in room

  • traces_target_id (int) – Filter traces for only given traces_target_id, see /tracesTargets

  • action_date_from (date) – Only traces with action_date >= this value will be returned (format: YYYY-MM-DD)

  • reservation_group_id (int) – Reservation ID filter

  • room_id (int) – Room ID filter

Example response:

    "id": 170596,
    "description": "provide us a quiet room, NOT facing the road. so it is not too loud during at nights.",
    "action_date": "2017-05-07",
    "action_time": null,
    "traces_target_id": null,
    "traces_target": null,
    "solved": false,
    "solution": null,
    "current_room_id": null,
    "reservation_group_id: null,
    "room_id": null,
    "internal_data": null,
    "category": null
Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Unique identifier

  • description (string) – Trace description

  • action_date (date) – YYYY-MM-DD

  • action_time (time) – HH:MM

  • traces_target_id (int) – ID of target (see /tracesTargets)

  • traces_target (string) – Code of current target

  • solved (boolean) – True if trace resolved/finished

  • solution (string) – Solution notes/description

  • current_room_id (int) – ID of current-room this trace is bound to

  • reservation_group_id (int) – ID of reservation this trace is bound to

  • room_id (int) – ID of room this trace is bound to

  • category (string) – Category of traces from predefined enumeration

  • internal_data (string) – Text used by external applications for various reasons

POST /api/traces

Updates or creates traces for given checked-in room

Example request:

    "trace_id": 170596,
    "current_room_id": 34,
    "description": "provide us a quiet room, NOT facing the road. so it is not too loud during at nights.",
    "action_date": "2017-05-07",
    "action_time": null,
    "traces_target_id": null,
    "traces_target": null,
    "solved": false,
    "solution": null,
    "reservation_group_id": null,
    "room_id": null,
    "internal_data": null,
    "category": null
Request JSON Object:
  • trace_id (int) – ID of single trace. If set, existing trace will be updated

  • current_room_id (int) – ID of single checked-in room. If trace_id is empty, new trace will be created for this room

  • description (string) – Trace description

  • action_date (date) – YYYY-MM-DD

  • action_time (time) – HH:MM

  • traces_target_id (int) – ID of target (see /tracesTargets)

  • traces_target (string) – Code of current target

  • solved (boolean) – True if trace resolved/finished

  • solution (string) – Solution notes/description

  • reservation_group_id (int) – ID of reservation this trace is bound to

  • room_id (int) – ID of room this trace is bound to

  • category (string) – Category of traces from predefined enumeration

  • internal_data (string) – Text used by external applications for various reasons

Example response:

Only standard result structure with no/empty data is returned, result 0 when success:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "result": 0,
GET /api/cm_rates_list

Dictionary of all rate-codes used for external reservation delivery mapping, with corresponding internal codes and guest-count

Example response:

  "result": 0,
  "data": {
    "BB": {
      "hores_code": "AVP",
      "hores_type": "BB",
      "guest_count": 2

Result keys are online rate-codes. For each online rate-code:

>json int guest_count:

Number of guests for which price is calculated

>json string hores_code:

Code of connected HORES pricelist

>json string hores_type:

Code of connected HORES pricetype withing that pricelist

GET /api/cm_room_types

Mapping table between internal room-types and channel-manager room-types

Example response:

        "id": 43,
        "room_type_id": 5,
        "online_room_type": "TRP",
        "online_sync": true,
        "channel_id": "hores_api"
        "id": 40,
        "room_type_id": 2,
        "online_room_type": "DBL",
        "online_sync": true,
        "channel_id": "hores_api"
>json int id:

Unique identifier of given record

>json int room_type_id:

Internal room-type id, see /roomTypes

>json string online_room_type:

Room-type code used by external system

>json boolean online_sync:

If true, given room-type should be offered via connected online system for reservations

>json string channel_id:

Internal ID, currently not usable by connected systems

GET /api/cm_reservations

List basic reservation information

Query Parameters:
  • ci_date_from (date) – Check-in date from

  • ci_date_to (date) – Check-in date until

  • reservation_id (int) – Reservation id

  • modified_since (datetime) – Return only records modified after given date, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

  • technical (boolean) – If set, return only reservations for technical/non-technical rooms

  • confirmed (boolean) – If set, return only confirmed/unconfirmed reservations

Example response:

    "reservation_number": 170596,
    "name": "Reservation name",
    "source_code": "BOOKING",
    "source_id": 22,
    "order_email": null,
    "order_phone_number": null,
    "order_number": "6547676",
    "non_refundable": false,
    "note": "Some text informations...",
    "total_price": "3000.0",
    "currency_code": "EUR",
    "sale_code": null,
    "guest_code": null,
    "payment_method": "C",
    "discount_code": null,
    "loyalty_card": null,
    "rows": [
        "id": 855666,
        "date_from": "2017-01-01",
        "date_to": "2017-01-10",
        "room_type_id": 2,
        "room_type_code": "DBL",
        "room_count": 2,
        "guest_count": 4,
        "pricelist_id": 12,
        "pricetype_id": 32,
        "cm_rate_code": "BAR",
        "cm_room_code": "DBL",
        "canceled": false,
        "option": false,
        "option_date": null,
        "arrival_time": "14:00",
        "technical": false,
        "tentative": false,
        "services": [
            "id": 44,
            "raster_id": 3,
            "package_id": null,
            "on_room": true,
            "pay_once": false,
            "on_group": false,
            "price": "50.00"
        "prices": [
            "date_from": "2017-01-01",
            "date_to": "2017-01-05",
            "price": "200.00",
            "package_id": null
            "date_from": "2017-01-06",
            "date_to": "2017-01-09",
            "price": "250.00",
            "package_id": null
Response JSON Object:
  • reservation_number (int) – Unique identifier (reservation number)

  • name (string) – Reservation name (title)

  • source_code (string) – Booking source code

  • source_id (int) – Booking source internal identification

  • note (string) – Note/comments, free textual information field

  • order_email (string) – Email contact (for whole reservation)

  • order_phone_number (string) – Phone number (for whole reservation)

  • order_number (string) – Order number provided by reservation-creator

  • non_refundable (boolean) – If true, reservation is not refundable when canceled

  • total_price (decimal) – Total price of reservation including services etc.

  • currency_code (string) – Reservation accommodation currency (used for total_price for example)

  • sale_code (string) – Sale code for statistical and other purposes

  • guest_code (string) – Guest code for statistical and other purposes

  • rows (list) – Each reservation has at leas one, possibly many rows, each row can have different data

  • payment_method (string) – Payment method selected for reservation

  • discount_code (string) – Discount code

  • loyalty_card (string) – Loyalty card

  • id (int) – Internal row id

  • date_from (date) – Checkin date

  • date_to (date) – Checkout date

  • room_type_id (int) – Internal id of reserved room-type

  • room_type_code (string) – Internal room-type code

  • room_count (int) – Number of reserved rooms

  • guest_count (int) – Total number of guests for this row, for all rooms, including children

  • pricelist_id (int) – Internal id of pricelist

  • pricetype_id (int) – Internal id of pricetype

  • cm_rate_code (string) – Rate-code used for online/channel-manager purpose

  • cm_room_code (string) – Room-code used for online/channel-manager purpose

  • canceled (boolean) – When True, row is canceled. When all rows are canceled, whole reservation is canceled.

  • prices (list) – Pricing for single room per day

  • option (boolean) – If true reservation is in option (unconfirmed) state

  • option_date (boolean) – If option is true, must be confirmed to this date

  • arrival_time (time) – Time of arrival at checkin, HH:MM

  • technical (boolean) – If True, room-type is „technical“, meaning not phisical room but waiting or other special type of reservation

  • tentative (boolean) – If True, reservation is in „tentative“ state, meaning it’s unconfirmed

  • date_from – Price is valid from this date included

  • date_to – Price is valid to this date included

  • price (decimal) – Price value

  • package_id (int) – Package ID, see GET /api/packages

  • id – Internal row id

  • raster_id (int) – Raster ID, see GET /api/rasters

  • package_id – Package ID, see GET /api/packages

  • on_room (boolean) – When true, service will be charged per room, when false, service will be charged per guest

  • on_group (boolean) – Only valid for group-guests, when true, item will be charged to group account

  • pay_once (boolean) – When true, service will be charge once per stay, when false, service will be charge for each day

  • price – Unit price to charge

GET /api/reservations

List basic reservation information. Optional „order_info“ section provides personal or contact information for customer who ordered reservation. If reservation is personal (not „group“), system will try to match reservation name to guest name in reservation guests to find customer personal information. Otherwise (when it’s „group“ reservation or no guest card match was found) information from „order“ section of reservation header is used.

Query Parameters:
  • ci_date_from (date) – Check-in date from

  • ci_date_to (date) – Check-in date until

  • reservation_id (int) – Reservation id

  • modified_since (datetime) – Return only records modified after given date, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

  • is_group (boolean) – If present, return only groups (true) or individuals (false)

  • technical (boolean) – If set, return only reservations for technical/non-technical rooms

  • confirmed (boolean) – If set, return only confirmed/unconfirmed reservations

  • include_order_info (boolean) – If set, „order_info“ dict will be added to response. It’s off by default to reduce unnecessary database queries when not needed.

Example response:

    "reservation_number": 170596,
    "name": "Reservation name",
    "source_code": "BOOKING",
    "source_id": 22,
    "order_email": null,
    "order_phone_number": null,
    "order_number": "6547676",
    "non_refundable": false,
    "note": "Some text informations...",
    "total_price": "3000.0",
    "currency_code": "EUR",
    "sale_code": null,
    "guest_code": null,
    "payment_method": "C",
    "is_group": False,
    "discount_code": null,
    "loyalty_card": null,
    "rows": [
        "id": 855666,
        "date_from": "2017-01-01",
        "date_to": "2017-01-10",
        "room_type_id": 2,
        "room_type_code": "DBL",
        "room_count": 2,
        "guest_count": 4,
        "pricelist_id": 12,
        "pricetype_id": 32,
        "rate_code": "BAR",
        "room_code": "DBL",
        "canceled": false,
        "country_code": "CZE",
        "option": false,
        "option_date": null,
        "arrival_time": "14:00",
        "technical": false,
        "tentative": false,
        "services": [
            "id": 44,
            "raster_id": 3,
            "package_id": null,
            "on_room": true,
            "pay_once": false,
            "on_group": false,
            "price": "50.00"
        "prices": [
            "date_from": "2017-01-01",
            "date_to": "2017-01-05",
            "price": "200.00",
            "package_id": null
            "date_from": "2017-01-06",
            "date_to": "2017-01-09",
            "price": "250.00",
            "package_id": null
    "order_info" = {
      "order_name": None,
      "order_address": None,
      "order_country": None,
      "order_lang": None,
      "order_email": None,
      "order_phone_number": None,
      "first_name": None,
      "last_name": None,
      "a_hn": None,
      "a_street": None,
      "a_town": None,
      "a_zip": None,
      "birth_date": None,
      "sex": None,
      "gdpr_consent": None
Response JSON Object:
  • reservation_number (int) – Unique identifier (reservation number)

  • name (string) – Reservation name (title)

  • source_code (string) – Booking source code

  • source_id (int) – Booking source internal identification

  • note (string) – Note/comments, free textual information field

  • order_email (string) – Email contact (for whole reservation)

  • order_phone_number (string) – Phone number (for whole reservation)

  • order_number (string) – Order number provided by reservation-creator

  • non_refundable (boolean) – If true, reservation is not refundable when canceled

  • total_price (decimal) – Total price of reservation including services etc.

  • currency_code (string) – Reservation accommodation currency (used for total_price for example)

  • sale_code (string) – Sale code for statistical and other purposes

  • guest_code (string) – Guest code for statistical and other purposes

  • rows (list) – Each reservation has at leas one, possibly many rows, each row can have different data

  • payment_method (string) – Payment method selected for reservation

  • is_group (boolean) – True if group reservation, False if individual

  • discount_code (string) – Discount code

  • loyalty_card (string) – Loyalty card

  • id (int) – Internal row id

  • date_from (date) – Checkin date

  • date_to (date) – Checkout date

  • room_type_id (int) – Internal id of reserved room-type

  • room_type_code (string) – Internal room-type code

  • room_count (int) – Number of reserved rooms

  • guest_count (int) – Total number of guests for this row, for all rooms, including children

  • pricelist_id (int) – Internal id of pricelist

  • pricetype_id (int) – Internal id of pricetype

  • cm_rate_code (string) – Rate-code used for online/channel-manager purpose

  • cm_room_code (string) – Room-code used for online/channel-manager purpose

  • canceled (boolean) – When True, row is canceled. When all rows are canceled, whole reservation is canceled.

  • country_code (string) – Reservation country code

  • prices (list) – Pricing for single room per day

  • option (boolean) – If true reservation is in option (unconfirmed) state

  • option_date (boolean) – If option is true, must be confirmed to this date

  • arrival_time (time) – Time of arrival at checkin, HH:MM

  • technical (boolean) – If True, room-type is „technical“, meaning not phisical room but waiting or other special type of reservation

  • tentative (boolean) – If True, reservation is in „tentative“ state, meaning it’s unconfirmed

  • date_from – Price is valid from this date included

  • date_to – Price is valid to this date included

  • price (decimal) – Price value

  • package_id (int) – Package ID, see GET /api/packages

  • id – Internal row id

  • raster_id (int) – Raster ID, see GET /api/rasters

  • package_id – Package ID, see GET /api/packages

  • on_room (boolean) – When true, service will be charged per room, when false, service will be charged per guest

  • on_group (boolean) – Only valid for group-guests, when true, item will be charged to group account

  • pay_once (boolean) – When true, service will be charge once per stay, when false, service will be charge for each day

  • price – Unit price to charge

POST /api/cm_reservation

Updates or creates reservation. When multiple parameters for the value are present, for example room_type_id, room_type_code and cm_room_code, only one value needs to be filled in for request to be processed. When multiple values are set, internal id is checked first, internal code second and „cm“ related values last.

Example request:

  "reservation_number": 170596,
  "name": "Reservation name",
  "source_code": "BOOKING",
  "source_id": 22,
  "order_phone_number": null,
  "order_email": null,
  "order_number": "5464864",
  "note": "Some text informations...",
  "prepend_note": "Some importent text",
  "append_note": "Some less important text",
  "sale_code": null,
  "guest_code": null,
  "payment_method": "C",
  "option": false,
  "option_date": null,
  "discount_code": null,
  "loyalty_card": null,
  "rows": [
      "id": 855666,
      "date_from": "2017-01-01",
      "date_to": "2017-01-10",
      "room_type_id": 2,
      "room_type_code": "DBL",
      "room_count": 2,
      "guest_count": 4,
      "pricelist_id": 12,
      "pricetype_id": 32,
      "cm_rate_code": "BAR",
      "cm_room_code": "DBL",
      "canceled": false,
      "country_code": "CZE",
      "option": false,
      "option_date": null,
      "arrival_time": "14:00",
      "services": [
          "raster_id": 3,
          "package_id": null,
          "on_room": true,
          "pay_once": false,
          "on_group": false,
          "price": "50.00"
      "prices": [
          "date_from": "2017-01-01",
          "date_to": "2017-01-05",
          "price": "200.00",
          "package_id": null
          "date_from": "2017-01-06",
          "date_to": "2017-01-09",
          "price": "250.00",
          "package_id": null
Request JSON Object:
  • reservation_number (int) – Unique identifier (reservation number). If set and reservation exists, it will be modified, to create new reservation, leave empty

  • name (string) – Reservation name (title)

  • source_code (string) – Booking source code

  • source_id (int) – Booking source internal identification

  • note (string) – Note/comments, free textual information field

  • prepend_note (string) – Free text which will be prependet to existing user-editable reservation-level note. Line end will be added automatically at the end of text.

  • append_note (string) – Free text which will be appended to existing user-editable reservation-level note. Line end will be added automatically before text.

  • order_phone_number (string) – Phone number contact (for whole reservation)

  • order_email (string) – Email contact (for whole reservation)

  • order_number (string) – Order number provided by reservation-creator

  • sale_code (string) – Sale code for statistical and other purposes

  • guest_code (string) – Guest code for statistical and other purposes

  • rows (list) – Each reservation has at leas one, possibly many rows, each row can have different data

  • payment_method (string) – Payment method selected for reservation

  • option (boolean) – If true whole reservation is in option (unconfirmed) state

  • option_date (boolean) – If option is true, must be confirmed to this date

  • discount_code (string) – Discount code

  • loyalty_card (string) – Loyalty card

  • id (int) – Internal row id, leave empty for new reservation rows

  • date_from (date) – Checkin date

  • date_to (date) – Checkout date

  • room_type_id (int) – Internal id of reserved room-type

  • room_type_code (string) – Internal room-type code

  • room_count (int) – Number of reserved rooms

  • guest_count (int) – Total number of guests for this row, for all rooms, including children

  • pricelist_id (int) – Internal id of pricelist

  • pricetype_id (int) – Internal id of pricetype

  • cm_rate_code (string) – Rate-code used for online/channel-manager purpose

  • cm_room_code (string) – Room-code used for online/channel-manager purpose

  • canceled (boolean) – When True, row is canceled. When all rows are canceled, whole reservation is canceled.

  • country_code (string) – Reservation country code

  • prices (list) – Pricing for single room per day

  • option – If true reservation is in option (unconfirmed) state

  • option_date – If option is true, must be confirmed to this date

  • arrival_time (time) – Time of arrival at checkin, HH:MM

  • date_from – Price is valid from this date included

  • date_to – Price is valid to this date included

  • price (decimal) – Price value

  • package_id (int) – Package ID, see GET /api/packages

  • raster_id (int) – Raster ID, see GET /api/rasters

  • package_id – Package ID, see GET /api/packages. Only raster_id or package_id can be set for one service row, not both.

  • on_room (boolean) – When true, service will be charged per room, when false, service will be charged per guest

  • on_group (boolean) – Only valid for group-guests, when true, item will be charged to group account

  • pay_once (boolean) – When true, service will be charge once per stay, when false, service will be charge for each day

  • price – Unit price to charge. If package_id is set, this value is ignored and package price is assigned automatically from stored package details.

Example response:

When new reservation is created, reservation number is returned, else only standard result structure with no/empty data is returned, result 0 when success:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "result": 0,
  "data": {
    "reservation_number": 2344533
POST /api/reservation

Updates or creates reservation. When multiple parameters for the value are present, for example room_type_id, room_type_code and cm_room_code, only one value needs to be filled in for request to be processed. When multiple values are set, internal id is checked first, internal code second and „cm“ related values last.

Example request:

  "reservation_number": 170596,
  "name": "Reservation name",
  "source_id": 22,
  "order_phone_number": null,
  "order_email": null,
  "order_number": "5464864",
  "note": "Some text informations...",
  "prepend_note": "Some importent text",
  "append_note": "Some less important text",
  "sale_code": null,
  "guest_code": null,
  "payment_method": "C",
  "option": false,
  "option_date": null,
  "discount_code": null,
  "loyalty_card": null,
  "rows": [
      "id": 855666,
      "date_from": "2017-01-01",
      "date_to": "2017-01-10",
      "room_type_id": 2,
      "room_type_code": "DBL",
      "room_count": 2,
      "guest_count": 4,
      "pricelist_id": 12,
      "pricetype_id": 32,
      "canceled": false,
      "option": false,
      "option_date": null,
      "arrival_time": "14:00",
      "services": [
          "raster_id": 3,
          "package_id": null,
          "on_room": true,
          "pay_once": false,
          "on_group": false,
          "price": "50.00"
      "prices": [
          "date_from": "2017-01-01",
          "date_to": "2017-01-05",
          "price": "200.00",
          "package_id": null
          "date_from": "2017-01-06",
          "date_to": "2017-01-09",
          "price": "250.00",
          "package_id": null
Request JSON Object:
  • reservation_number (int) – Unique identifier (reservation number). If set and reservation exists, it will be modified, to create new reservation, leave empty

  • name (string) – Reservation name (title)

  • source_id (int) – Booking source internal identification

  • note (string) – Note/comments, free textual information field

  • prepend_note (string) – Free text which will be prependet to existing user-editable reservation-level note. Line end will be added automatically at the end of text.

  • append_note (string) – Free text which will be appended to existing user-editable reservation-level note. Line end will be added automatically before text.

  • order_phone_number (string) – Phone number contact (for whole reservation)

  • order_email (string) – Email contact (for whole reservation)

  • order_number (string) – Order number provided by reservation-creator

  • sale_code (string) – Sale code for statistical and other purposes

  • guest_code (string) – Guest code for statistical and other purposes

  • rows (list) – Each reservation has at leas one, possibly many rows, each row can have different data

  • payment_method (string) – Payment method selected for reservation

  • option (boolean) – If true whole reservation is in option (unconfirmed) state

  • option_date (boolean) – If option is true, must be confirmed to this date

  • discount_code (string) – Discount code

  • loyalty_card (string) – Loyalty card

  • id (int) – Internal row id, leave empty for new reservation row

  • date_from (date) – Checkin date

  • date_to (date) – Checkout date

  • room_type_id (int) – Internal id of reserved room-type

  • room_type_code (string) – Internal room-type code

  • room_count (int) – Number of reserved rooms

  • guest_count (int) – Total number of guests for this row, for all rooms, including children

  • pricelist_id (int) – Internal id of pricelist

  • pricetype_id (int) – Internal id of pricetype

  • canceled (boolean) – When True, row is canceled. When all rows are canceled, whole reservation is canceled.

  • prices (list) – Pricing for single room per day

  • option – If true reservation is in option (unconfirmed) state

  • option_date – If option is true, must be confirmed to this date

  • arrival_time (time) – Time of arrival at checkin, HH:MM

  • date_from – Price is valid from this date included

  • date_to – Price is valid to this date included

  • price (decimal) – Price value

  • package_id (int) – Package ID, see GET /api/packages

  • raster_id (int) – Raster ID, see GET /api/rasters

  • package_id – Package ID, see GET /api/packages. Only raster_id or package_id can be set for one service row, not both.

  • on_room (boolean) – When true, service will be charged per room, when false, service will be charged per guest

  • on_group (boolean) – Only valid for group-guests, when true, item will be charged to group account

  • pay_once (boolean) – When true, service will be charge once per stay, when false, service will be charge for each day

  • price – Unit price to charge. If package_id is set, this value is ignored and package price is assigned automatically from stored package details.

Example response:

When new reservation is created, reservation number is returned, else only standard result structure with no/empty data is returned, result 0 when success:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "result": 0,
  "data": {
    "reservation_number": 2344533
GET /api/reservation_guest

List guests for given reservation

Query Parameters:
  • reservation_number (int) – Reservation number

Example response:

    "reservation_id": 2334,
    "reservation_guest_id": 65443,
    "first_name": null,
    "last_name": "Abc",
    "guest_card_id": 831223,
    "a_hn": null,
    "a_street": null,
    "a_town": null,
    "a_zip": null,
    "a_country": "CZE",
    "citizenship": null,
    "birth_date": null,
    "sex": null,
    "room": "102",
    "rg_note": null,
    "gc_note": null,
    "gcs_note": null,
    "email": null,
    "gdpr_consent": true,
    "phone_number": null,
    "ic_number": null,
    "ic_type": null,
    "licence_plate". null
Response JSON Object:
  • reservation_id (int) – Reservation row ID

  • reservation_guest_number (int) – Reservation ID of a particular guest, if empty, new guest will be created)

  • first_name (string) – Guest’s name

  • last_name (string) – Guest’s surname

  • guest_card_id (int) – Guest card ID (identical for repeated stays)

  • reservation_id – Reservation number

  • a_hn (string) – House number

  • a_street (string) – Street

  • a_town (string) – City

  • a_zip (string) – Zip code

  • a_country (string) – Country code

  • citizenship (string) – Citizenship

  • birth_date (date) – Date of birth

  • sex (string) – Sex („M“ - male, „F“ - female, „C“ - child)

  • room (string) – Room number

  • rg_note (string) – Note (refers to a particular guest in given reservation – is relevant for given reservation only)

  • gc_note (string) – Note (refers to a particular guest in general - stored in the guest card, independent of the particular stay)

  • gcs_note (string) – Short note (refers to a particular guest in general - stored in the guest card, independent of the particular stay)

  • email (string) – Guest e-mail address

  • phone_number (string) – Guest phone number

  • gdpr_consent (boolean) – Consent with personal info processing

  • ic_number (string) – IC/Passport number etc.

  • ic_type (string) – Option type of ic_number, valid strings are: ‚personal_id‘, ‚passport‘, ‚drivers_license‘, ‚other‘

  • licence_plate (string) – Car licnece plate

POST /api/reservation_guest

Create or update reservation-guest information

Example request:

    "reservation_id": 2334,
    "reservation_guest_id": 65443,
    "first_name": null,
    "last_name": "Abc",
    "guest_card_id": 831223,
    "a_hn": null,
    "a_street": null,
    "a_town": null,
    "a_zip": null,
    "a_country": "CZE",
    "citizenship": null,
    "birth_date": null,
    "sex": null,
    "room": "102",
    "rg_note": null,
    "gc_note": null,
    "gcs_note": null,
    "email": null,
    "phone_number": null,
    "gdpr_consent": true,
    "ic_number": null,
    "ic_type": null,
    "licence_plate". null
Request JSON Object:
  • reservation_guest_id (int) – Reservation ID of a particular guest, if empty, new guest will be created)

  • first_name (string) – Guest’s name

  • last_name (string) – Guest’s surname

  • guest_card_id (int) – Guest card ID (identical for repeated stays)

  • reservation_id (int) – ID of reservation row

  • a_hn (string) – House number

  • a_street (string) – Street

  • a_town (string) – City

  • a_zip (string) – Zip code

  • a_country (string) – Country code

  • citizenship (string) – Citizenship

  • birth_date (date) – Date of birth

  • sex (string) – Sex („M“ - male, „F“ - female, „C“ - child)

  • room (string) – Room number

  • rg_note (string) – Note (refers to a particular guest in given reservation – is relevant for given reservation only)

  • gc_note (string) – Note (refers to a particular guest in general - stored in the guest card, independent of the particular stay)

  • gcs_note (string) – Short note (refers to a particular guest in general - stored in the guest card, independent of the particular stay)

  • email (string) – Guest e-mail address

  • phone_number (string) – Guest phone number

  • gdpr_consent (boolean) – Consent with personal info processing

  • ic_number (string) – IC/Passport number etc.

  • ic_type (string) – Option type of ic_number, valid strings are: ‚personal_id‘, ‚passport‘, ‚drivers_license‘, ‚other‘

  • licence_plate (string) – Car licnece plate

DELETE /api/reservation_guest
Query Parameters:
  • reservation_guest_id (int) – ID of reservation guest record to delete

Delete reservation-guest from reservation guests-list (this will delete only informations about guest, not lower reserved guest-count!

GET /api/cm_available_room_numbers

Available room numbers for given date-range. Only rooms available for the whole date-range are returned. It may happen that available_room_count may be smaller then number of available_rooms. In that case there are some reservations without assigned room-numbers.

Because of that, available_room_count is value determining real available rooms count, available_rooms list is list of room_numbers which can be used up to available_room_count value.

Query Parameters:
  • date_from (date) – Checkin date

  • date_to (date) – Last payed date (checkout date - 1 day)

Example response:

  "result": 0,
  "data": {
    "DBL": {
      "available_room_count": 12,
      "available_rooms": [
      "prices": {
        "BAR": [
            "price": "510.00",
            "date": "2018-04-19"
            "price": "510.00",
            "date": "2018-04-20"
            "price": "510.00",
            "date": "2018-04-18"
    "TRP": {
      "available_room_count": 1,
      "available_rooms": [
      "prices": {
        "BB": [
            "price": "510.00",
            "date": "2018-04-18"
            "price": "510.00",
            "date": "2018-04-19"
            "price": "510.00",
            "date": "2018-04-20"
GET /api/cr_cm_available_room_numbers

Same as /api/cm_available_room_numbers but data is corrected for ConnectedRooms module

GET /api/cm_available_room_rates

Available rooms for given date-range. For each date list of available room-types with number of available rooms and allowed prices will be returned.

Query Parameters:
  • date_from (date) – Check-in date from

  • date_to (date) – Check-out date until

Example response:

    "room_types": [
        "prices": [



GET /api/prepayment

List of prepayment items for given reservation

Query Parameters:
  • reservation_number (int) – Reservation number for which to return prepayment items

Example response:

    "id": 3189,
    "receipt_number": 5689,
    "payment_date": "2018-02-22",
    "receipt_note": null,
    "coi_id": 5583,
    "raster_id": 34,
    "price": "400.00",
    "currency_id": 1,
    "vat": "20.0",
    "payment_method_id": 5,
    "description": null,
    "coi_note": null,
    "created_at": "2018-02-22",
    "canceled": false,
    "final_account_id": null,
    "vat_price": "80.00",
    "default_currency_price": "400.00",
    "exch_rate": "1.0000",
    "prepayment_currency_id": 1,
    "prepayment_exch_rate": "1.00",
    "prepayment_price": "400.00",
    "credit_card": null
Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – Unique identifier of receipt

  • receipt_number (int) – Number of associated receipt

  • payment_date (date) – Date of payment

  • receipt_note (string) – Receipt-level note

  • coi_id (int) – Unique identifier of receipt item

  • raster_id (int) – Raster ID, see GET /api/rasters

  • price (decimal) – Price

  • currency_id (int) – Currency ID (returned by GET /api/currencies)

  • vat (decimal) – VAT value in percentage

  • payment_method_id (int) – Payment method ID, see GET /api/payment_methods

  • description (string) – Item level description (can identify/explain given item)

  • coi_note (string) – Item level note (internal note about item)

  • created_at (date) – Date of item creation

  • canceled (boolean) – True if item is canceled

  • final_account_id (int) – Final account id number

  • vat_price (decimal) – Calculated VAT price (local currency)

  • default_currency_price (decimal) – Price converted to local currency

  • exch_rate (decimal) – Exchange rate

  • credit_card (string) – Credit-card number, sanitized

  • prapayment_currency_id (int) – Currency to use when item is charged to guest-account

  • prepayment_exch_rate (decimal) – Exchange rate used when item is charged to guest-account

  • prepayment_price (decimal) – Price used when item is charged to guest-account

POST /api/prepayment

Create prepayment for specific reservation number.

If „send_to_emails“ is filled, payment confirmation will be send to provided emails. Attached will be PDF with cass-office receipt.

More than one item can be written to single receipt using additional_items field when needed.

Example request:

    "reservation_group_id": 4562,
    "payment_date": "2018-02-22",
    "receipt_note": null,
    "raster_id": 34,
    "price": "400.00",
    "currency_id": 1,
    "vat": "20.0",
    "payment_method_id": 5,
    "description": null,
    "coi_note": null,
    "vat_price": "80.00",
    "default_currency_price": "400.00",
    "exch_rate": "1.0000",
    "prepayment_currency_id": 1,
    "prepayment_exch_rate": "1.00",
    "prepayment_price": "400.00",
    "credit_card": null,
    "credit_card_type": null,
    "send_to_emails": "test@domain.com, hotel@domain.com",

    "additional_items": [
        "raster_id": 34,
        "price": "400.00",
        "currency_id": 1,
        "vat": "20.0",
        "payment_method_id": 5,
        "description": null,
        "coi_note": null,
        "vat_price": "80.00",
        "default_currency_price": "400.00",
        "exch_rate": "1.0000",
        "prepayment_currency_id": 1,
        "prepayment_exch_rate": "1.00",
        "prepayment_price": "400.00",
        "credit_card": null,
        "credit_card_type": null
Request JSON Object:
  • reservation_group_id (int) – ID (number) of reservation for which to create prepayment

  • payment_date (date) – Date of payment

  • receipt_note (string) – Receipt-level note

  • raster_id (int) – Raster ID, see GET /api/rasters

  • price (decimal) – Price

  • currency_id (int) – Currency ID (returned by GET /api/currencies)

  • vat (decimal) – VAT value in percentage

  • payment_method_id (int) – Payment method ID, see GET /api/payment_methods

  • description (string) – Item level description (can identify/explain given item)

  • coi_note (string) – Item level note (internal note about item)

  • vat_price (decimal) – Calculated VAT price (local currency)

  • default_currency_price (decimal) – Price converted to local currency

  • exch_rate (decimal) – Exchange rate

  • credit_card (string) – Credit-card number, will be encrypted when saved

  • prapayment_currency_id (int) – Currency to use when item is charged to guest-account. If empty, currency_id will be used

  • prepayment_exch_rate (decimal) – Exchange rate used when item is charged to guest-account. If empty, exch_rate will be used

  • prepayment_price (decimal) – Price used when item is charged to guest-account. When empty, price will be used

  • credit_card_type (int) – Required for credit card payment, credit card type ID (returned by GET /api/payment_card_types)

  • send_to_emails (string) – Comma separated list of email addresses to which payment confirmation should be send

Example response:

Result 0 when success:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "result": 0,
  "data": {
    "receipt_ids": [5668]
GET /api/prepayment_invoice

List of existing invoice numbers for given prepayment receipt.

Values for prepayment_receipt_id filter are returned by POST /api/prepayment method, either when new prepayment is created, or as „ID“ values for GET /api/prepayment items.

Query Parameters:
  • prepayment_receipt_id (int) – ID of prepayment receipt

Example response:

  "result": 0,
  "data": {
    "invoice_numbers": [
POST /api/prepayment_invoice

Create invoice for given prepayment_receipt_id.

Values for prepayment_receipt_id filter are returned by POST /api/prepayment method, either when new prepayment is created, or as „ID“ values for GET /api/prepayment items.

More items returned by GET /api/prepayment method may have same ID. That means they are part of same prepayment_receipt and when invoice is created from such receipt, all items are added to this invoice automatically.

If „send_to_emails“ is filled, payment confirmation will be send to provided emails. Attached will be PDF with invoice document if invoice header was filled.

Example request:

  "prepayment_receipt_id": 3189,
  "send_to_emails": "test@domain.com, hotel@domain.com",
  "invoice": {
    "address_title": "S.H.I.E.L.D.",
    "address_name": "Nick Fury",
    "address_town": "Washington, D.C.",
    "address_street": null,
    "address_hn": null,
    "address_zip": "20010",
    "address_country": "usa",
    "in": 7888585,
    "vat": US98856664,
    "vat2": US58777458,
    "email": nick.fury@shield.gov",
    "phone_number": "+12027734812"
Request JSON Object:
  • prepayment_receipt_id (int) – ID of prepayment receipt for which all items will be used to generate invoice

  • send_to_emails (string) – Comma separated list of email addresses to which payment confirmation should be send

  • address_title (string) – Main company/person to which invoice is issued

  • address_name (string) – Secondary name (maybe person name in case address_title is company)

  • address_town (string) – Invoicing address

  • address_street (string) – Invoicing address

  • address_hn (string) – Invoicing address

  • address_zip (string) – Invoicing address

  • address_street – Invoicing address

  • address_country (string) – alpha3 ISO code of country

  • in (string) – Identification number (IČO in Czech republic)

  • vat (string) – TAX identification number (VAT in Czech republic)

  • vat2 (string) – TAX identification number (IČ DPH for Slovakia)

  • string (phone_number) – email

  • string – phone number

Example response:

Result 0 when success:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "result": 0,
  "data": {
    "invoice_number": 58896354
GET /api/occupancy_chart

Occupancy information for individual dates

Query Parameters:
  • date_from (date) – Display dates from

  • date_to (date) – Display dates to

Example response:

"result": 0,
"data": {
    "room_type_counts": {
        "1": 6,
        "2": 77,
        "3": 31,
        "4": 21,
        "5": 12,
        "7": 9,
        "9": 2,
        "10": 2,
        "11": 0,
        "103": 0,
        "104": 1
    "real_room_count": 200,
    "dates": {
        "2018-01-01": {
            "used_rooms_count": 116,
            "used_rooms_by_type": {
                "1": 5,
                "2": 64,
                "3": 25,
                "4": 0,
                "5": 10,
                "7": 7,
                "9": 2,
                "10": 2,
                "11": 0,
                "103": 0,
                "104": 1
            "occupied_rooms_count": 116,
            "occupied_rooms_by_type": {
                "1": 5,
                "2": 64,
                "3": 25,
                "4": 0,
                "5": 10,
                "7": 7,
                "9": 2,
                "10": 2,
                "11": 0,
                "103": 0,
                "104": 1
            "reservations_tp": 0,
            "reservations_confirmed": 0,
            "reservations_confirmed_single": 0,
            "reservations_unconfirmed": 0,
            "allocations_rs_total": 0,
            "allocations_rs_used": 0,
            "allocations_rs_by_type_total": {
                "1": 0,
                "2": 0,
                "3": 0,
                "4": 0,
                "5": 0,
                "7": 0,
                "9": 0,
                "10": 0,
                "11": 0,
                "103": 0,
                "104": 0
            "allocations_rs_by_type_used": {
                "1": 0,
                "2": 0,
                "3": 0,
                "4": 0,
                "5": 0,
                "7": 0,
                "9": 0,
                "10": 0,
                "11": 0,
                "103": 0,
                "104": 0
            "faults_total": 0,
            "faults_by_type": {
                "1": 0,
                "2": 0,
                "3": 0,
                "4": 0,
                "5": 0,
                "7": 0,
                "9": 0,
                "10": 0,
                "11": 0,
                "103": 0,
                "104": 0
            "top_date": false,
            "blocked": false,
            "current_rooms_total": 116,
            "current_rooms_total_single": 107
  • real_room_count: Total number of physical rooms in hotel (= 100%)

  • room_type_counts: Total number of rooms by type

  • dates: counts for each date in selected date-range

  • used_rooms_count: Number of rooms blocked by guests or technical faults

  • used_rooms_by_type: Same as used_rooms_count for each room type

  • occupied_rooms_count: Number of rooms occupied by guests, faults are not included

  • occupied_rooms_by_type: Same as occupied_rooms_count for each room type

  • reservations_tp: Number of rooms reserved on technical rooms = waitings

  • reservations_confirmed: Total number of rooms from confirmed reservations

  • reservations_confirmed_single: Number of rooms from confirmed reservations that are not group reservations

  • reservations_unconfirmed: Number of unconfirmed reservations (= options)

  • allocations_: Currently not usable data

  • faults_total: Total number of rooms blocked by technical faults

  • faults_by_type: Same as faults_total but for each room type

  • top_date: True if date is marked as „top“ (special in some way)

  • blocked: True if date is marked as „blocked“

  • current_rooms_total: Number of rooms occupied (= already checked in) for this date

  • current_rooms_total_single Number of non-group member rooms occupied (= already checked in) for this date

Returns hotel logo in binary format with Content-Type: appliction/octet-stream and Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=“xyz.abc“

GET /api/zoomletter_info

Returns information needed to register hotel in Zoom-letter system when this module is available

GET /api/iiko_cancel_receipt
Query Parameters:
  • iiko_order_id (string) – IIKO order for which HORES receipt should be canceled

Special method for IIKO integration to cancel corresponding receipt in HORES when receipt in IIKO is canceled.

POST /api/login

Method verifies user account in HORES, returns some user-data on success

Query Parameters:
  • username (string) – Username for HORES user

  • password (string) – Password for HORES user

Example response:

  "result": 0,
  "data": {
    "user_id": 2,
    "user_rights": {...}
Response JSON Object:
  • user_id (int) – Unique identifier of HORES user

  • user_rights (dict) – Dictionary of user rights values

GET /api/get_license

Method to get some HORES license information

Example response:

  "result": 0,
  "data": {
    "license": 234,
    "hotel_name": "Hotel California",
    "hotel_address": "Palm Springs, CA 92264",
    "license_number": 234
Response JSON Object:
  • license_number (int) – Unique license number

  • hotel_name (string) – Hotel name from settings

  • hotel-address" (string) – Hotel address from settings

  • license (int) – Same as license_number for compatibility

GET /api/get_license

Undocumented method to get some detailed room-occupancy data for currently occupied rooms

GET /api/user_messages

List messages for user

POST /api/update_user_message

Set user-message status

POST /api/send_message

Send message to user

GET /api/contacts

List contacts

GET /api/room_service_actions

Available room service actions list

GET /api/users

List HORES users

POST /api/set_room_attr

Set attribute parameters for room